A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

16 July 2015

Shame on you, Majority Leader Regier

Tuesday, 15 July, the board of School District 5 (Kalispell) took public comments on the proposed additions to the district’s policy on discrimination, which I believe should be adopted. Among the commenters was a former member of that board, Montana House of Representative Majority Leader Keith Regier (R-Kalispell, HD-4), who, reports the Daily InterLake, said:

“If this policy allows for gender identity and expression, then the door opens for any other form of identity,” Regier said. “What about species, race or academic identity? Who knows what will be next. Recognizing one identity would discriminate against any other identity, so why start?”

Species identity? Does Regier fear that students will identify as dogs, barking up and down the schoolhouse’s hallways? As baboons, swinging from the transoms in the blackboard jungle? As jackasses, imitating a former school board member with a compulsion to make comments that are inhumane?

This is shameful conduct for anyone, but especially shameful for the second ranking member of Montana’s House of Representatives. Regier should have set an example for thoughtful discussion of a sensitive subject. His position carries with it a responsibility to shed light on solutions, not to inflame the debate. But instead of conducting himself with dignity, instead of making a constructive contribution to the discussion, he made a fool of himself and may have encouraged others to be equally offensive.

Shame on you, Rep. Regier. Shame on you.