A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

16 October 2015

Brian Schweitzer’s Power Up and other energy news


Former Gov. Brian Schweitzer just published a book on energy, Power Up. He’ll be be at the Whitefish community theatre tomorrow from 1000 to noon for a book signing. I won’t be there. I bought the Kindle version last night, and not even a man of Schweitzer’s distinction gets to write on my screen. But if you haven’t bought the book yet, and prefer a hard copy, tomorrow’s a good time to get the book and Schweitzer’s signature.

Interesting things are happening in energy. Off the Netherlands, a floating tidal power platform is up and running. Green Tech Media reports that cheap solar has come to Wisconsin. And so in places it has. But Wisconsin also has Madison Gas and Electric, which last year tried to boost its monthly fixed charge from $10 to $69. After a jolt of adverse public opinion, MGE changed its mind. And in California, citizens are directing their wrath at the new net metering schemes proposed by that state’s investor owned utilities. Similar schemes have been proposed in other states, including Montana.