A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

18 February 2016

Westside bypass at the muddy stage of construction

The Three Mile Drive bridge over the westside Kalispell bypass provides a good view of the state of the project. It’s also a mile’s walk from my home, and thus easy to reach on foot. Earlier this week, in late afternoon, I used a pocket camera to make some images of the construction.


North from the Three Mile Bridge. Retaining walls are under construction, supplies are stockpiled, and the bottom of the swale is muddy.


Much the same activities are occurring on the south side of the bridge. I was at the bridge's east end, shooting west.


Looking south toward Two Mile Drive, where the construction zone is a muddy mess and the detour a daily aggravation for those of us living west of the bypass. The detour is marked by fluorescent cones, several of which have been knocked down and not stood up and cleaned.

Generally, the construction zone looks pretty good. The contractor reportedly is on schedule and budget.