A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

27 January 2016

Shame on Bernie's shameless fundraising

My training in fundraising is old school, encumbered with the notion that potential donors should be treated with dignity, not hectored as potential deadbeats or shamed as cheapskates. One’s pitch should be “Here’s the problem, here’s the solution, here’s what your contribution will do to help. Please contribute as your means permit.”

Today’s political fundraisers will say and do anything to cadge a contribution. They’ll take a man’s last shirt and leave him without the means to buy even a peanut butter sandwich for dinner.

Bernie Sanders’ campaign hired some of these shakedown artists, who could work for any political party. Here’s part of a pitch I received in this morning email:

Last year I only made about $5,000 from Social Security benefits. Folks in my situation often feel ashamed of how we’re living and so we want to do better. We want to contribute to our communities, but sometimes our bodies can only do so much.

Even though I can’t afford much, I contributed $15 to Bernie because I’ve never felt before that a candidate would appreciate a donation from someone like me. [Bolding in original.]

With the Iowa caucus happening Monday night, there’s not much time left to make a contribution that will help Bernie win in Iowa. Can you please contribute $3 to Bernie now?

Three bucks won’t help much. But it will get Bernie’s supporters in the habit of donating. Contribute three bucks now, and suffer a never ending fusillade of “can you chip in another $3?” emails. Meanwhile, one more entity has our credit card information, putting us at increased risk for identity theft.

Sorry, Bernie. Pitches like today’s don’t get my credit card out — but they do get my dander up.