A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

21 June 2018 — 2302 mdt

Melania Trump’s “I really don’t care” raincoat was a
dog whistle to rabid anti-immigration groups

Not all of America’s first ladies have been gold diggers who bash the down and out. Eleanor Roosevelt, for example, did not wear a raincoat bearing the words “I don’t care. Do U?” when she visited the Bonus Army outside Washington, D.C., in 1933. Nor would have Laura Bush had she visited a Texas government camp where immigrant children are imprisoned away from their parents.

But gold digger Melania Trump did wear that awful raincoat, in hot weather, when she boarded the jet flying her to Texas to visit the children her husband, rich Donald Trump, our President, first ordered separated from their parents who crossed the border without proper documentation, and then ordered imprisoned with their parents as a way of keeping families together — together behind bars in what amount to American concentration camps.

Melania’s wearing an FU raincoat should surprise no one. And no one should suppose her message was aimed at her husband, as some apologists who want to find a reason to love Melania are trying to argue. Her raincoat dog whistled to anti-immigration zealots that her visit was damage control PR, not a change of heart by her husband’s black-hearted administration. Lady MacBeth would have approved.