A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.

3 November 2018 — 1128 mdt

Saturday morning roundup

All political parties and candidates now are in the get out the vote mode. President Trump holds an airport pep rally in Bozeman today, and the Democrats, led by Sen. Jon Tester and Gov. Steve Bullock, are holding a pep rally in Kalispell shortly after noon, and probably in another city or two.

Here are the latest registration and turnout numbers from the MT SecST’s website:


Rosendale and the Oath Keepers. Four years ago, Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate Matt Rosendale spoke at a Second Amendment rally in Kalispell. I was there with my camera. Yesterday, Talking Points Memo published a report on Rosendale’s dalliance with the Oath Keepers, who make a lot of people uneasy. It’s worth reading, as is Don Pogreba’s post on Rosendale and the Oath Keepers. It’s not a group one with which one wants to be associated if one wants to cultivate a reputation for moderation and peaceable problem solving.