A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.


28 March 2019 — 0421 mdt

Old Joe Biden wants to run,
for President — again!

Former Senator and Vice President Joe Biden’s a great old guy. Some people are putting the emphasis on “great.” Wiser people are putting the emphasis on “old.” Joe’s 76, hale but a man with a history of serious medical problems. Democrats win the White House when they nominate younger, more aggressive, candidates. He needs to fade into the sunset as a statesman, not as a reincarnated Harold Stassen. Here’s the music he needs to face:

Old Joe Biden wants to run,
For President — again!
“I love to run, it’s such good fun,”
Says Joe the old, old, man.

With a misstep here, a wild gaffe there,
He’s cringe inducing everywhere,
Old Joe Biden wants to run,
For President — again!

He ran before, but got nowhere,
His campaigns all went splat,
He thinks this time he’ll be liked more,
Persistence, give him that.


Joe occupies the middle lane,
That’s disappearing fast,
His party’s moving quickly left,
The center’s time has passed.


But most of all, Joe’s too damn old,
His time has come and gone,
This run would be be his Last Hurrah!
A sad, so sad, swan song.


Old Joe, don’t do this one more time,
It’s time to pass the torch,
Don’t Harold Stassenize yourself,
Don’t your image scorch.


Joe, lean back in your rocking chair,
Relax and play the sage,
Let young Dems run for President,
Turn left and leave the stage.
