A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.


3 October 2019 — 1257 mdt

Workman’s compensation insurance employee Nelly Nicol
files C-1 for Republican primary for state auditor


Nicol filed her C-1, which allows her to begin raising money for her campaign, yesterday. Her campaign website is online. She joins Troy Downing in seeking the Republican nomination for the office. Incumbent auditor Matt Rosendale is running for Congress.

Democratic state Rep. Shane Morigeau is seeking the Democratic nomination for auditor. Thus far, he’s unopposed.

On her website, Nicol describes herself as a mother of four. She and her family live in Billings.

I come from a patriotic Marine Corps household, so serving comes natural to me. I currently work at Victory Insurance Company, Inc., a company my family owns. Victory is the last privately owned, Montana domiciled, workers’ compensation company.

Victory Insurance Company, Inc., lists Miles City as its headquarters.

Nicol says:

Bigger government and more tax dollars is not the answer. Montanans deserve and consumers are in desperate need of a healthy competitive insurance market in Montana.

If elected, she would focus on protecting the elderly from internet and other scams, on land board decisions, and creating a more competitive environment for securities and insurance.

One thing that is missing is that this office also sets the pace for a competitive market for these industries, which has been a major expense for Montana consumers. I would like to open the doors for a more competitive insurance industry in Montana, something consumers desperately need. A competitive market drives down premiums for consumers.

Her website does not include a comprehensive biography. She omits her level of educational attainment, employment, civic engagement history, and age. She’s not alone in concealing this information. A lot of candidates omit this information. In doing so, they invite voters to conclude that something unfavorable is being concealed.