A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.


21 January 2020 — 1758 mst

Without change, our democracy dies

Impeachment of a President is a power
that cannot be exercised successfully

The Senate’s Potemkin impeachment trial of Donald Trump, in which acquittal and the suppression of evidence are preordained, proves that an election is the only practical legal means of removing a sitting President gone rogue. The Constitution’s impeachment clauses and the 25th Amendment are snares and delusions. We have no other defense against Presidents who would be kings, no practical legal way of removing a President in mid-term.

This state of affairs, inherently unstable and fraught with danger, must, sooner or later, result in the demise of democracy and the imposition of dictatorship.

As long as our chief executive is not elected by a national legislative chamber whose membership is based on one person, one vote, assassination will be the only effective means of removing a President in mid-term. Therefore, we must amend the Constitution so that the U.S. House of Representatives chooses the President. There is no other remedy for our predicament.