A reality based independent journal of observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.


2 March 2020 — 1543 mst

Things are going down today faster than I can write about them

Amy and Pete admit defeat, go for Joe. The DNC’s torpedo Bernie campaign looks like a murder-suicide pact that could bring us four more years of Brother Orangehair. Whitney taps an aging farmer without any elective office experience as her running mate. The Dow shoots up like an overpacked Roman candle. The CDC withholds information about testing for the Wuhan Fever virus.

Not a dull Monday — but a Monday that dulls the brain. The sun is shining. I’m taking a walk to clear my head. I’ll start writing after dark and a bowl of freshly cooked Tex-Mex chili. Check back around midnight.