A reality based independent journal of steely-eyed observation & analysis, serving the Flathead Valley & Montana since 2006. © James Conner.


7 September 2022 — 1739 mdt

Ex Flathead health board chairman Bill Burg explains
why he supports John Repke for the Montana PSC

Guest essay by Bill Burg

I don’t know John Repke. I do know Dr Annie Bukacek.

I served on the Flathead County Board of Health as a member for three appointed terms, as a member, chair of multiple committees, Vice Chair and Chair. Dr Annie and I overlapped in my last two years. I understand that she tendered her resignation early in her 3rd year.

During my nine years on the Board, there were probably a dozen or more volunteers who were appointed by the County Commissioners to serve as well. Their backgrounds ranged from medicine, nursing, public health, healthcare management, veterinary medicine, fire chief, engineering, business, and elected municipal officials. The primary function of the Board is to perform a semi-judicial function as a jury, or appellate panel for issues within the purview of the Flathead Health Department. In 2020-21, the primary issue was Covid and how to protect the public.

In the normal course, decision issues were presented by the Health Officer, Staff and outside experts, including appellate representatives. Most decisions were by consensus … that is, until Dr Annie Bukacek became a member in January 2020.

Largely limited to Covid issues, she insisted on her own views, and actively proselyted outside the boundaries of Board meetings for which she was rebuked by the assigned Deputy County Attorney. She preached and did not listen. She opposed testimony of medical experts in immunology and virology and substituted her own anti-vax views. She organized protests and demonstrations against sound public health policy, then lied about her participation which is proven by video evidence that is available on the Internet.

I believe that most members of the Board during her tenue would state that Dr Annie Bukacek was a truly disruptive influence.

The Public Service Commission requires a technical background in the issues that come before it. I do not believe that Dr Bukacek’s education, professional experience, and performance on the Board of Health qualify her for a position on the Public Service Commission.

A lifelong Republican, Bill Burg lives in Whitefish.